Celebrities & Stanford
Here are some samples of celebrities, politicians, and other famous individuals that I’ve photographed. I’ve also included some of the (countless) Stanford professors that I’ve photographed, as well as other assorted photography work that I’ve done for Stanford.
If you would also like to see some examples of photography campaigns that I have done for Stanford, please check out some examples that I have linked.
For the Meet Our Faculty campaign at Stanford, I interviewed, photographed, and wrote personalized narratives for Stanford professors. I led all of the planning, art direction, and execution, and was the sole project lead. I worked with faculty from across the university to create profiles that highlighted their personal journeys to where they are now.
Knight-Hennessy Inaugural Cohort Portraits
For the inaugural cohort of Knight-Hennessy scholars, I created an artistic studio portrait series to showcase one student from each of the graduate schools at Stanford. I led art direction, execution, lighting and shooting, and all editing of the images. These shots were taken in a very intimate setting, and my emphasis was on creating an environment where my subjects could be vulnerable and authentic.